Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book an appointment?

It is recommended to book all appointments through the online booking system through the website. The website will show all available dates and times. Clients may be able to book through direct message on Instagram but fast replies and reminders are not guaranteed.

Can I book a same day appointment?

Unfortunately, Lash Gems does not book same day appointments. Appointments must be scheduled at least 36 hours in advance. If there are any last minute cancellations/openings within the week, those dates and times will be posted on the Instagram page for anyone willing to take those slots.

Are there after hours appointments?

Yes, at Lash Gems, we can accommodate after hours appointments. If your requested date and time is available, your appointment can be arranged. Please contact us to schedule an after hours appointment. There is an additional $25 fee for booking after hours.

Why is a deposit fee required?

A $20 non-refundable deposit fee is required to secure your appointment spot.

Booking An Appointment

What are eyelash extensions?

Eyelash extensions are individual synthetic fibres glued to the natural lashes; used to enhance their length, curl and density.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

Eyelash extensions generally last anywhere between 2 to 4 weeks with the proper application and after care. There are many factors that can diminish your lash retention, such as constantly touching or rubbing them, consistent makeup wear, oily skin types, humidity and temperature. As well, your natural lashes grow in stages and it is normal to lose 1-5 natural lashes per day. To maintain your lashes, it is recommended to book fills accordingly every 2 to 3 weeks. Any sets past the 3 week mark is considered a full set. It is also imperative to keep up with your aftercare.

How long does the eyelash extension application take?

The eyelash extension process can take anywhere from 2 to 3 hours for any full set, or 1 to 2 hours for any refill set. These times can vary depending on your natural lashes, the lash set you have booked or the percentage of eyelash extensions you come back with for a refill.

Do eyelash extensions damage my natural lashes? Do they hurt? Will they irritate my eyes?

No, eyelash extensions do not damage your natural lashes when applied correctly with the right products. Each natural lash is individually isolated so that a single extension or fan can be placed onto it. Just like any hair on your body, your eyelashes go through the natural growing stages. Without lash extensions, you don’t typically notice natural lash fall out. However, since extensions are attached to your natural lashes, which are typically longer and thicker, you may notice when a lash falls out. This is part of the normal growing stage and another natural lash will grow back in its place.

Lash extensions should feel a 'part’ of your natural lashes. They should not feel heavy, feel like they are weighing down your eyes, irritate or hurt. These feelings are a result of improper application of lash extensions, which can damage your lashes and may result in permanent lash loss in extreme cases.

Here at Lash Gems, your lash health is our priority. We strive to provide you with the lash set of your dreams while using high quality products and appropriate lash extension thickness’ and lengths suited for your natural lashes.

Lash Extensions

Lash Extension Contraindications

Contraindications are conditions or symptoms that restrict you from being a candidate for the service. If you have one or more of the following conditions, we may need to reassess whether lash extensions are appropriate for you:

  • Contagious or eye infection disorder (eg., conjunctivitis, stye, etc.)

  • Hypersensitivity

  • Cuts or open wounds in the area

  • Severe eczema

  • Epilepsy

  • Cancer

  • Very short, thin or sparse lashes

  • Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder)

  • Recent laser eye surgery

  • Recent Accutane treatment